��� mukesh624 [uid349202@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-qawrfrtcxkxkeszf] has joined ##chemistry hello sir where i can find boson pls still haven't killed yourself. what a shame. ��� AtlasStanding [~AtlasRise@c-73-212-213-34.hsd1.md.comcast.net] has joined ##chemistry Let me make myself very clear. I will find each and every one of you fuckers. :) ��� BitchX: You are now talking to channel ##chemistry ������---�--��-������---�--��-���������--- -- - | ilbelkyr (ilbelkyr@freenode/staff/atheme.ilbelkyr) (unknown) � ircname : ilbelkyr | channels : ##furry ##chemistry #devuan ##hardware � server : barjavel.freenode.net (Paris, FR, EU) | away : ilbelkyr - afk ! secure : ilbelkyr is using a secure connection ��� ilbelkyr ilbelkyr is logged in as ������---�--��-������---�--��-���������--- -- - | ilbelkyr (ilbelkyr@freenode/staff/atheme.ilbelkyr) (unknown) � ircname : ilbelkyr | channels : ##furry ##chemistry #devuan ##hardware � server : barjavel.freenode.net (Paris, FR, EU) | away : ilbelkyr - afk ! secure : ilbelkyr is using a secure connection : idle : 26 hours 1 mins 49 secs (signon: Thu Dec 20 07:50:12 2018) ��� ilbelkyr ilbelkyr is logged in as(from barjavel.freenode.net) You may think this is the bluster and bravado of a bored Internet troll. ������---�--��-������---�--��-���������--- -- - | Fuchs (fuchs@freenode/staff/Fuchs) (unknown) � ircname : Christian | channels : ##furry � server : weber.freenode.net (US) | away : Fuchs - Gone away for now ! secure : Fuchs is using a secure connection : idle : 5 hours 55 mins 45 secs (signon: Tue Feb 26 04:31:16 2019) ��� Fuchs Fuchs is logged in as(from weber.freenode.net) yeah, it worked real well the time you tried telling #freenode that. maybe you should try again? Oh, you have no idea, do you? I may have been quieted in the main channel, but later on, I drove raw, visceral, pure fear into the heart of that staffer. lol ��� Plans4Nigel [~username@71-13-63-211.dhcp.bycy.mi.charter.com] has joined ##chemistry [msg(ilbelkyr)] *poke*? but why bother | away : ilbelkyr - afk Have you seen the movie The Strangers? also, thanks for confirming your identity, although it's not like there was any doubt. They did it because their victims were home. Likewise, I do it because you're here. And you're my fucktoy. Nah, you're not my type. I prefer brains. ��� MaficEnclave is now known as Xenolith ��� kelsoo1 [~kelsoo@dragora/developer/kelsoo] has joined #devuan ��� SignOff kelsoo4: #devuan (Ping timeout: 250 seconds) wtf is this drop-a-message-day!? oh i see; it's because you are a stupid psychopath haha, project cases of any size are not feasably printed corner peices for them, sure ��� derk0pf [~derk0pf@p5497B81E.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined ##chemistry -- and your hate could get you a network ban or maybe criminal charges That is assuming I am caught. and assuming anyone cares might be When fingers are hacked off and webcams are broken into, trust me ... People will care. noted You may think you're smart with your fancy ST: TNG nickname and your devil-may-care attitude, but you're close to entering my shitlist. :) Maybe after bos0n's departure from freenode, it'll be a certain mrdata. ��� SignOff AtlasStanding: ##chemistry (Quit: Going offline, see ya! (www.adiirc.com)) very nice; we can dance until dawn and your hate could get you a network ban or maybe criminal charges That is assuming I am caught. and assuming anyone cares might be When fingers are hacked off and webcams are broken into, trust me ... People will care. noted You may think you're smart with your fancy ST: TNG nickname and your devil-may-care attitude, but you're close to entering my shitlist. :) Maybe after bos0n's departure from freenode, it'll be a certain mrdata. ��� SignOff AtlasStanding: ##chemistry (Quit: Going offline, see ya! (www.adiirc.com)) very nice; we can dance until dawn ��� AtlasRisen [~AtlasRise@c-73-212-213-34.hsd1.md.comcast.net] has joined ##chemistry ��� SignOff libertyprime: ##chemistry (Ping timeout: 258 seconds) ��� kelsoo3 [~kelsoo@dragora/developer/kelsoo] has joined #devuan ��� SignOff kelsoo3: #devuan (Read error: Connection reset by peer) ��� kelsoo3 [~kelsoo@dragora/developer/kelsoo] has joined #devuan fluffywolf: Nobody in #freenode will believe you. :) ��� SignOff kelsoo1: #devuan (Ping timeout: 250 seconds) ��� SignOff pankerini: #devuan (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [glguy(~glguy@freenode/staff/haskell.developer.glguy)] What's the problem? [msg(glguy)] long-term trolling and stalking. usually ilbelkyr deals with him, but is afk. [glguy(~glguy@freenode/staff/haskell.developer.glguy)] Is this user typically named a variable of mukesh62? fluffywolf: You are a failure. [msg(glguy)] no. it's a completely new nick every week or so. [msg(glguy)] sec, I'll paste his current annoyance somewhere.